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Berlin's troubled Brandenburg Airport still in crisis one year after opening
After nearly a decade of delays and billions of euros over budget, Berlin's long-awaited airport, Berlin-Brandenburg, finally opened on October 31, 2020. But turbulence has continued for BER during its first year of operation, with a long list of problems and passenger complaints: lengthy check-in and security lines; confusing layout and signage; cramped, dirty bathrooms; and bacteria found in drinking water, just to name a few. ( More...Sort type: [Top] [Newest]
So much for the German reputation for order and efficiency.
There is a lot of evidence of a worldwide decline in IQ over the past several decades, so I guess we can expect more failures and incompetence in the future.
There is a lot of evidence of a worldwide decline in IQ over the past several decades, so I guess we can expect more failures and incompetence in the future.
Well, a leftist and clearly incompetent major and local government had nothing better to do than close Tempelhof GA airport, followed by TXL, which was much easier to reach. Don’t mean to say that rightist ( or even „centrist“) governments don’t make equally expensive mistakes, but this one clearly had a class warfare undertone (that’s why Tempelhof was the 1st to go).
Now, there is no decent GA option in the Berlin area. What a shame.
Now, there is no decent GA option in the Berlin area. What a shame.
Warum hat die Stadt nicht darauf bestanden, Tegel überschneidend offen zu halten, um eine Einfahrzeit für den neuen Flughafen zu ermöglichen?
Leave it to government to fudge something up so badly...
It’s a new version of pre-clearance. Germans can pass-though an American airport before leaving the country.
Thanks to JSB in 1721.