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This jerk should be banned from all airlines. Who knows what he will do next?
hahaha what is the world coming to
the ass should b banned from all trael even trains and busses
Are people on big, fast, high-flying airplanes in a post-9/11 world hypersensitive? Yes.
Does that make this guy any less of an idiot? No.
@mark tufts if you're going to ban him from trains and buses, you might as well go ahead and ban him from restaurants and parks; it's not going to make any difference. You can put tools like this alone on a deserted island and they'll find a way to make others uncomfortable.
Does that make this guy any less of an idiot? No.
@mark tufts if you're going to ban him from trains and buses, you might as well go ahead and ban him from restaurants and parks; it's not going to make any difference. You can put tools like this alone on a deserted island and they'll find a way to make others uncomfortable.
What's the problem ? Security will watch him and he is vulnerable to attorney is Lockhardt & Gardner (-;
you never know who you are going to sit next to, that's what i hate about airline travel.