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transition to F-35's not so easy for Russian pilots
The increasing number of F-35s in Europe means more pilots will have to learn to fly the jet, but the F-35's technological superiority means some pilots, especially those trained to operate Soviet-made aircraft, likely won't be able to make the change. ( More...Sort type: [Top] [Newest]
"Transition to F-35's Not So Easy for Former Soviet Block Pilots", that would be a more accurate title.
Not so easy for Russian pilots? I'd say it's a lot closer to downright impossible.
Misleading headline. Story is about pilots trained on Russian aircraft. Headline implies pilots of Russian nationality
Oh!!!! That is a different story. Now it appears to be a bad thing.
This is a good thing, right?
Constantine Atlamazoglou you need a lot of work on that headline. Just sayin (slang for saying.)
I can't believe we won the cold war and ended up right back in the same place. I give up.