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Air France to cancel 40 percent of long-haul flights
(Reuters) - Air France said on Wednesday it expected to cancel up to 40 percent of its long-haul flights and up to 30 percent of shorter flights as a pilot strike ran into its third day. Air France has had to notify thousands of passengers of axed flights this week via email or text message. ( More...Sort type: [Top] [Newest]
The French have these strikes from time to time so really nothing new in that. Just what is happening now.
The skies are a little safer with Air France on the ground.
Perhaps they can use the time on the ground to fix the shoddy cabin equipment.
The Pilot Group is making a very career ending mistake........the competition Carriers will gladly take up the slack!
Air France Pilots are a good investment - buy them at cost and sell them at their own estimation - you'll make a bomb!! That's assuming there will be an available job for them