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Vendor troubles slow delivery of Amazon freighter aircraft

A FreightWaves original report shows how EFW has dropped the ball producing freighters for Amazon, resulting in considerable delivery delays. ( More...

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DracoVolantis 3
So they had to move out of the USA because they could not find qualified, properly-trained workers in the USA. Interesting. I guess that the days when the "best an brightest" were either born in the USA or moved to the USA, are over.
Erik Bruner 3
I worked in Mobile back in 1997. Converted 2 x B757 from passenger to freighter, A&P work.
Ah... it was good times. I loved my days in Aviation.
Sorak 1
So its news that higher paying customers get priority for workers who are paid the same no matter the work they are doing?

This isn't news. This is how business has worked forever!
SkyAware123 -4
Nobody wants to work anymore. Thanks biden/HARRIS
Brian Freeman 3
How long are we going to ride the "it's COVID's fault" train?? We've gotten a LOT of mileage out of it so far.

I'm more inclined to believe that our society is continuing to be impacted by the "Participation Ribbon" types who have minimal to no work ethic and whose definition of work is rideshare and food delivery. COVID has just given us a great excuse to be a crappy society. Until we re-instill work ethic and personal responsibility, it's not going to get any better.
user3956 1
Great comment and 110% accurate. No one wants to work anymore and everyone thinks society owes them something. People are strangely comparing present day's conditions to some mythical time in the past when supposedly everyone was promised a comfy and consistent paycheck for doing jobs they love (or doing very little work at all). This was never reality for most of humanity in history, I don't understand where anyone gets this from. Also, no one wants to compare to what most of the world endures, they only want to compare to the top percentage of people's lives. Travel overseas to most places and it will open one's eyes to how fortunate people in the US are. The downfall of developed nations will be the rot from within of the citizens privileged enough to live there.

pohlcatace14 2
“…he attributed to subpar training and workforce shortages stemming from the lingering effects of aviation industry layoffs during the COVID crisis.” That doesn’t really sound like people don’t want to work anymore, it sounds like they are afraid of returning to work or continuing to work in industry that saw mass past layoffs in recent memory. Sounds like base self-preservation and human nature to me.

The pandemic made people really think about how pandemic-safe their line of work really is, which is why we see such a struggle in retail as well. I personally felt reassured that my field of accounting came thru pretty unscathed (at least in my local network, others here are welcome to chime in if you saw differently), but that’s the type of assessment people are/have been doing the last 3-4 years. In my case AI could be the next thing coming after my sector.

But yes, let’s default to blaming Biden/Harris.
FlyEagleOne 1
Ya just had to bring politics into the discussion J.rk.


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