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Lion Air and Boeing Are Heading Into a $22 Billion Feud
The crash of a Boeing Co. plane that killed 189 people in Indonesia is spiraling into a $22 billion feud between the aircraft maker and one of Asia’s most influential aviation bosses. In a rare public dispute between the planemaker and one of its biggest customers, the head of PT Lion Mentari Airlines has threatened to cancel an order for billions of dollars worth of jets because of what he says is Boeing’s unfair reaction to the crash. ( More...Sort type: [Top] [Newest]
The pilots should have of shut of the failed stall protection system that caused the plane to crash.
Aircraft manufactured in this day and age can pretty much fly themselves from departure to arrival. The need for human beings on the flight deck is to monitor systems and troubleshoot anomalies. While hand flying skills are important, systems knowledge is imperative. You cannot exercise efficient CRM if you are ignorant to the function and details of all systems design and integration. While I pray for their souls and do not question the crews reactions in a extremely stressful moment, I am troubled that this fault occurred previously and was recognized and dealt with on previous flights. The fact that the problem still existed and the aircraft was cleared to fly lies with Lion Air.
They need to service their Plane before taking off.
I am an avid aviation enthusiast and benefit from my son being a Airbus A-320 pilot.I have flown with him in a Citation 10,King Air 350,Meridian and just about every turbo prop and piston engine plane in the sky. When I asked him what the heck happened on this flight his first comment was training is everything when flying.Having retired from Law Enforcement I thoroughly understand human nature to pass judgement before having all the facts.Let the experts figure this out while the families of this horrible accident get the help they need to ease their suffering.
This could and should of been designed out of the plane , you need to blame the Manufacture who designed this if it was a C series you bet that every one including Boeing would be all over this !
The aircraft had problems in 4 of it's last 6 flights, Lion Air made the decision to use the aircraft despite of the problems. 3 of the flight crews knew what to do to correct the problem