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1955: America Welcomes the Viscount, the World’s First Turboprop Airliner
Almost 70 years ago, the Vickers Viscount stepped in the gap between the new jet era and the only other planes that people knew--props. The new 'jet prop' plane didn't last too long in service but it was a unique plane that was widely adopted in the US. Here's the full story, told by David H. Stringer, history editor of Airways magazine and Avgeekery contributor. ( More...Sort type: [Top] [Newest]
I read a lot about this Aircraft over the years... It is a very well designed aircraft and I have never heard any passenger complaints from it.
Hey sparkie, can you imagine the noise on the ramp of 4 RR Darts with 4 Dowty-Rotols whirling at 92% idle and throw in a couple of TPE-331's on an MU2 for good measure. Small wonder many of the early ramp rats were deaf as a stone in the later years and CJ-610's didn't help! Cheers.
Those Darts did not much care for sound management! Flew them on F27s and my oh my ! ! ! !
Behind the cockpit door as baggage one might add!
That’s why one should wear hearing protection.
I have the Best Hearing protection made... With all 4 of those engines running, it is still incredibly loud!
Yes I can... I have worked on the YS-11 (Giving a clue to my Age)... But I was very young back then of that plane... The engines made very little noise... However, you could never hear anything from the engine due to the Prop Noise. :)