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Airbus, GE, Safran and CFM announce new hydrogen propulsion A380 demonstrator
Airbus, GE, Safran and CFM announced earlier today that they’d be making use of a retired Airbus A380 to test new hydrogen propulsion technologies. ( More...Sort type: [Top] [Newest]
Safer than a Lithium-ion battery on the Felicty Ace car carrier ......
Maybe a completely hydrogen powered A380 is in the future?
It's an interesting concept demonstration. Basically will repurpose the retired A380 as a flying testbed for development. First project is to "hang" a (small) GE Passport turbofan engine somewhere on the big jet for the testing.
Turbofan to be fueled from liqiud hydrogen tanks in the body of the whale sized jet.
As many readers know, GE Aviation owns and operates a 747 and has used it to test various new engines.
Turbofan to be fueled from liqiud hydrogen tanks in the body of the whale sized jet.
As many readers know, GE Aviation owns and operates a 747 and has used it to test various new engines.
The A380 has more internal capacity than a 747 so it makes sense to me to use an A380 for something other than an expensive paperweight sitting in storage.
The image I saw had the hydrogen tanks on the outside, hung below the test engine. Did not seem like internal capacity was the issue at all.
The image you saw was an x-ray view into the plane to show were the tanks will be installed in inside the fuselage. The tanks will not be mounted on the outside.
Considering Airbus is a partner in this effort, I think the internal capacity is irrelevant. Doubt that Airbus would have accepted a Boeing testbed. BTW, did you read the article or just the headline?