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Delta CEO says airline will permanently ban passengers 'who refuse to display basic civility'
The CEO of Delta Air Lines has announced that the carrier will permanently ban passengers who disrespect fellow customers or crew. CEO Ed Bastian laid down the law in a memo sent to employees Friday, and shared with Fox News. The executive revealed that the airline has already added over 800 people to its no-fly list for refusing to wear mandatory face masks during travel, along with news of the company's latest policy. ( More...Sort type: [Top] [Newest]
But were they wearing masks when they heckled Romney and Graham ? This is key.
Who sets civility standard; the same airlines that lie about late or cancelled flights, take govt bailout for their own incompetence to manage; horrible service from flight crews(united & aa); inconsistent C19 rules of not downright draconian. Just like Dems and all the other crap, airlines are hypocrites and uncivil! I love airplanes, but flying commercial is a terrible experience and driving has become a pleasure when I think of buying a ticket on one of these winged sardine cans of uncivil aviation!
Ok........fair enough. How's going to be the arbiter of what is and isn't "basic civility?" What are disqualifying actions that you consider basic civility. Do we see a "social scoring" process coming. And while we're at it, when will you provide us, US Taxpayers with a plan to never need our hard earned money to bail you out?
Good for them. The nonsense we have seen on the airlines for years needs to stop. Now if they would enforce the carry on baggage size the world would be great.
From the article it sounds like wearing a mask is the only criteria of “basic civility”
Are 51.1% of American Citizens stupid?? Or only 50% of the few that fly??