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United Airlines Suspends Pilot for Israel-Hamas War Comments

United Airlines came under fire this week after one of its pilots expressed praise for the October 7 attacks in Israel. Although Mossallam created this post on October 7, his views were only well-publicized once Stop Antisemitism shared screenshots of his Facebook post on X, formerly known as Twitter, on November 20. On November 21, a spokesperson from United said that the pilot was removed from service with pay and the airline will look further into the situation ( More...

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Harry Wells 19
I agree, we do have freedom of speech, however there are consequences to what we say. Freedom of speech is not a free pass to say anything we want with no repercussions.
Yehonatan Buckwald 3
Freedom of speech does not apply to private companies as far as I’m concerned.
On the same token I will not want to fly with him as part of the crew.
Tim Dyck 1
What’s the point of having a constitution if it doesn’t apply everywhere? You live in a Republic so the Rule Of Law over rides everything else…or at least it is supposed to.
Colin Seftel 9
I think what @Harry and @Yehonatan are trying to explain is that freedom of speech gives you the right to make a statement that disgraces your employer, but your employer has the right to fire you.
Billy Croan 3
What's the point of having a constitution if you don't read the actual text. The first amendment begins: "CONGRESS SHALL MAKE NO LAW"

See, unlike most other countries, our constitution does not grant rights. It recognizes that your rights came from god, from your humanity, and predated this nation. That's pretty cool! The point of OUR constitution was to prevent the government from unlimited power and scope by default.

Contrary to its name, the 'Bill of Rights' does NOT grant any rights. It is actually a list of RESTRICTIONS.... within which the government must remain. In fact the entire purpose of the constitution was to set limits and boundaries ON THE GOVERNMENT.

Our constitution was revolutionary for its time in this regard, and still is.

United Airlines, is not the government. So the constitution does not limit United Airlines. But they an certainly be sued for their idiocy, and boycotted.
Michael Dealey 1
Correct. Or put another way:
The Bill of Rights is not a list of things the Government allows you to do.
It's a list of things the Government isn't allowed to do.

In my opinion, if your "private company" gets funding from the Government and is obliged to create company policy according to government guidelines, it is, in effect, part of the Government and should be treated as such.

This argument of "It's a private company, they can do what they want" is all fine and good until you realize they aren't private at all. We found this out over the last couple of years with Twitter, Facebook, and YouTube, all of which were secretly collaborating with government agencies to determine who should be censored or deplatformed for speech the government didn't like -- and getting paid to do so.
Billy Croan 0
Maybe we should see the pilot's names on our tickets, so we have a chance to google them before we get locked into a tube they alone control for 3 hours.
victorbravo77 2

You don't trust your pilots?
Billy Croan 2
[The amendment to which we lovingly refer to as] Freedom of speech just means those repercussions can not come from the government or be funded by the government.

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Billy Croan -2
Yes. We need to wake up and stop giving our tax money over to Israel, Ukraine, Taiwan, where ever else, and stop meddling in other countrys' business.

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Billy Croan -1
If either of those clowns win next year, America looses.
Tim Dyck 1
I agree with you there. Over 360 million people and that’s the best they can find to put on the ballot?

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k12480250 3
Your view is a little childish bordering on stupid.
There is a country here {Israel} that massacred and murdered and killed its children and women
And you are involved in petty politics, imagine to yourself that these are your children who were kidnapped, would you also answer that way?
Your leader, Joe Biden, sees things a little differently and behaves with emotion and heart like an honest man
You have no idea how good the Jewish people are, the Palestinians will just lower their weapons and accept everything everything everything...
They are not interested, they want to see blood, this is their whole purpose from childhood to old age
Michael Dealey -1
This coming from a citizen of Communist Canada, where they want to make it legal to euthanize babies. You already let Trudeau take your guns. Pretty soon he'll be hauling you off to camps like Australia. Maybe you should get rid of your closet queen, black-face wearing soy boy leader before you bash the US.

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Michael Dealey 1
Are you under some delusion that Trudeau isn't a Zionist?
How do you think he got where he is today - the proud little graduate of Klaus Schwab's "Young Global Leaders"? Your parliament is full of them.

They have their minions installed in every government across the globe. The same criminal cartel controls all countries and Canada is no exception. Sounds like you just woke up but forgot to check the bed you're sleeping in.

I don't know where you're getting your stats about mass shootings but they're *way* off. America's gun violence is a bit of an illusion. We rank 3rd highest in the world for gun violence UNTIL you remove the 5 biggest democrat controlled cities. Then we drop to 4th lowest (out of 193 countries).

It's also interesting that in almost all cases, these mass-shooters end up having a pre-existing relationship with the FBI and a psychiatrist. These events aren't organic.

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Michael Dealey 2
You're entire parliament gave a standing ovation to a Nazi war criminal.
Tim Dyck 2
You’re wrong on your assumption to freedom of speech. You are free to say what we believe without consequences! That is your first amendment right but that right does not allow you to provoke violence, spread hatred or discriminate.
Michael Dealey 5
Except that the definition of "hate" is arbitrary and the pilot in question didn't call for any violence. What sounds hateful to one person may seem perfectly logical to another. This has been clearly demonstrated over the last 10-15 years, where simply stating facts is considered "hate".

But speech specifically calling for violence or used to *intentionally* cause a dangerous situation, is not okay.
Tim Dyck 2
Just after my last post I saw this article that explains a lot about limitations on free speech in the USA.
Tim Dyck 1
In Canada we have a definition of “Hate Speech” in our Criminal Code.
In the US it’s a bit muddier but you do have a definition in your Violent Crime Control and Law Enforcement Act (1994) which unfortunately your Supreme Court keeps redefining. But there is a definition that law enforcement can use as a starting point.
Billy Croan 0
It sure does allow you to spread hatred. 100%. Discrimination is protected speech. And even calls to violence, if that's all they are, are protected speech. I'd rather you not do it, but it's your freedom. You can even yell fire in a crowded theater. That's a common misconception.
Brent Lee 18
That mindset shouldn’t be responsible for other peoples lives…period. With pay? Hopefully, once the lawyers quit arguing about his 1A rights, he’s canned.
If he ever gets to fly with any airline , whoever is flying with him in the locked cockpit better be sure that the don’t need to use the toilet while in flight .
There is no place for all of this political and religious discourse in the cockpit of a commercial airliner .

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Michael Osmers 6
Also Ms Smith, have you asked yourself how is it that it is known he was a United pilot? The company expressly reserves the right to censorship of any posts made on social media that can be connected with it and all employees as a condition of employment accept this censorship. Put another way, if in a post or on a particular social media account you can be connected to the company, you are agreeing that what you are posting is acceptable to the company because you are in fact a representative of the company. One can’t drink in uniform for similar reasons and we all know it.
Brian Freeman 8
Ms Smith - It is no longer a "personal" opinion once he blasted it out on X. Just out of curiosity, how would you feel about a doctor espousing his disdain for abortion or a police officer touting his belief in white supremacy on X?? When does "free speech" cross the line?
Kari Fietek -2
You are wrong. He has every right!

"Congress shall make no law respecting an establishment of religion, or prohibiting the free exercise thereof; or abridging the freedom of speech, or of the press; or the right of the people peaceably to assemble, and to petition the Government for a redress of grievances."

This right includes:
"The right to express any opinion in public without censorship or restraint by the government, protected in the United States as a right under the First Amendment to the US Constitution."

You may find someone's words offensive but in our democracy they have every right to express their opinion. Don't like it? Move to China.
John Taylor 9
The US Constitution only protects you from the government. A private employer can decide to disaffiliate with you at any time for anything you may say.
Billy Croan 4
The constitution doesn't exist to protect you or your freedoms. That's what weapons are for. Ask a veteran.

The constitution LIMITS the GOVERNMENT. The constitution is supposed to prevent wasting government time and money on things that would interfere with your freedom.
Billy Croan 3
People get way too attached and entitled to their employers. Every day you go to work, you're choosing to work with them, and them with you. Either of you can stop, at any time, for any reason, or for no reason at all. It really doesn't need to be hard feelings either. Say thanks for the days you had, and move on.
Tim Dyck 1
Wrong! He can say what he wants unless…and this is were he screwed up…it violates his conditions of employment.
When you join a company you agree to a lot of conditions and that often includes what you can say when you are identifying as an employee of that company.
Michael Dealey 3
The problem with this is that every major company has jumped on the DEI bandwagon, which has no clear definitions about what is considered offensive or racially charged. In fact, in today's environment, absolutely anything and everything can be deemed offensive if someone simply disagrees with your opinion. It's all intentionally vague and very 1984-ish.

United's Policy is no exception:

Ultimately, it all boils down to a quote by Voltaire:
"If you want to know who it is that controls you, find out who you're not allowed to criticize".
Tim Dyck 2
I agree that it is getting out of hand but when you accept employment with a company you sign their condition of employment and have to either live with their conditions or seek other employment. For that reason I have never mention the name of the company I work for or have any references to it on Social Media.
victorbravo77 1
Unless, otherwise, it would reflect badly on his employer (wink, wink).
Billy Croan -1
Doctors take an oath to do no harm. Ripping off arms and throwing someones innocent, defenseless, dead, human body in the trash sounds a lot like harm to me.

So. Doctors don't do abortions. They're not doctors. They're murderers. Abor------ isn't a real word. The word is just murder, for the convenience of an unprepared parent, so call it what it is.
Kari Fietek -9
Agree! 1st amendment. This is not communist china.
victorbravo77 4
And, I will defend w/ my life (if necessary - koff koff), your rights to say it.
Michael Hutchinson 3
Fire him.
Jim Sinsky 13
Free speech applies only to the government. It does not apply to private businesses.
Ron Slater 7
You took the words right out of my mouth! A Company can fire someone if they feel it is against any policy. 1A only pertains to rights involving the government.
Billy Koskie 9
I guess being a pilot makes United concerned this guy could try a 9/11 attack or something? I wonder if the FAA and/or Homeland Security now has to investigate?
linbb 8
Ya think? With that kind of attitude dont want that type up front ever.
Michael Dealey -6
Oh, the irony. Who do you think actually perpetrated 911?

If you can't finish the videos, you might have a case of cognitive dissonance.

You might also look up:
The 91st floor Israeli "Art Project".

I have no problem with the Israeli people but "The State of Israel" (the government) is not our friend.

If we ever get the real truth, people will have a difficult time reconciling their past beliefs.
Colin Seftel 4
How was anyone able to figure out that Ibrahim R. Mossallam was actually a United pilot? Does United publish a list of their employees?
Michael Osmers 4
Disregarding Smith’s uninformed opinions, he must have identified himself on his feed as a United pilot. THAT is the infraction from the company’s point of view. When you do that you become a spokesperson and therefore without the consent of the company for your posts expose yourself to disciplinary actions, it’s all spelled out in basic indoc the first couple of days of employment.

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Kyle Barnoff 4
Most opinions are whatever, but celebrating a terrorist attack!? That should get any commercial pilot fired immediately.
Sunil Dandawate 4
Hamas is a cruel, inhuman organisation.
Lloyd Sharp 3
What a complete idiot.
United should give their pilots a simple I.Q. test.
This dim-wit would have clearly failed.
captainfourbars 3
I applaud United for removing somebody of such unsound thinking. To praise the atrocities such as were committed by monsters, like putting babies in ovens and ... them alive until they died - while LAUGHING - and so much more that never made the papers due to their extreme horror, shows how unhinged this pilot is, He CANNOT be trusted with flying others in an aircraft, not to mention blackening the name of that airline. This is WAY outside any intended interpretation of Freedom of Speech.

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captainfourbars 2
My goodness, Redlaser. You do sound like you need help. I hope you can get it. But your views here and previously really do not sit well on this forum for the sole reason that they are so far from the actual truth they demonstrate a serious disconnect between you and reality. But you sing a song the word has heard before and we all know what that is.
Derek Vaughn 3
Get rid of this guy. Only solution.
John Graham 2
Social media sucks. No one is allowed to have an opinion

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k12480250 3
redlaser You are a small person who sees the world as a game. You probably have no value for your own life, therefore you want to destroy the value of other people's lives
You don't care to say that Israel should be destroyed by nuclear weapons???
Where did you arrive??
Are you a sane person or maybe also a vile terrorist with no purpose in life
jeff creek 2
Redlaser finally is suspended. Why did it take so long?
Tim Dyck 2
I have never seen anyone suspended from this site before. I guess there is actually someone moderating things here.
jeff creek 2
Other than linbb, the hall monitor/bully.
Dennis Stockton 2
When will the Biden Regime be suspended for anti-US comments?
Ron Slater 3
I suspect next November, but will someone worse take over or someone that loves America more?
Tim Dyck -1
It depends on your alternatives. The USA has over 350 million people, surely you can find some good candidates. I just hope you do and it’s not a repeat of your last election where neither was a good choice.
Randy Marco 1
This is the result of religion... ALL religion.

Take ignorant, weak people, feed them with mythology, band them together, have a governing body support their cause and the result is war. ALL people that have been killed are killed in the name their beliefs and nothing is a more powerful BELIEF than mythology.

What a brilliant idea, in 1948, to carve out a "country" in the middle of Muslim mythology land, aka the middle east, and mix in Christian mythology... pure genius!

Now add in the rise of the American evangelical right-wing which IS the current GOP, who want to turn America into a theocracy, sprinkle in a wannabe dictator and look at our current shitshow.

The Founding Fathers knew the dangers, that's why they created freedom of and FROM religion.
C C 10
Other than the fact that the area Jewish/Christian/Muslim faiths were “mixed” in the area 2000 yrs prior to 1948… The victors of WWI and later WWII were operating on the oldest of wartime principles “to the victors the spoils”, created countries for nomads with almost no success for governing territories spare the Ottoman’s who did so with varying degrees of success.

For civilized people creating States with international agreements and treaties should not be a problem, especially if you were on the losing side of war and didn’t have anything before. But the Palestinians have never been able to focus on what they gained, just on what they couldn’t have. This is as true now as it was in 2014, 1993, 1987, 1967, 1948, 1917, 1897, or 3,100 yrs ago when the ancient Palestinians outgrew their land and attacked Israel rather than expand in unoccupied territories.
David Purtz 3
"Congress shall make no law respecting an establishment of religion, or prohibiting the free exercise thereof" : United States Constitution. Doesn't say anything about "FROM". Religion will be here long after you are gone, while being around for over 6,000 years.
Bill Butler 3
I think there is an implied freedom from religion in the First Amendment. In England and other countries you followed the State religion, what ever it was and however many times it changed. The free exercise thereof clearly avoids the forced state religion.
Louie R 4
Well said, "Religion is the opium of the people."
ewrcap 8
Wow, don’t see many quotes from Karl Marx on here.
Duane Mader -3
Hero of yours?
Michael Dealey 1
He's a hero of many here, judging from the comments. Yet they don't even know it.
Thomas Oliver 1
Couldn't agree more.
Jamar Jackson 2
Never bite the hand that feeds you. It all comes down to the money and those who fund and invest billions in American Corporations. Social media was designed to grade your social score.
Pitts Harrison 1
I've been trying to say this for years, but you nailed it. Thank you.
sparkie624 -1
Not defending this pilot, but what happened to Free Speech. It was not made on company time and even though not in good taste and I do not think it is a good post, I do not see where this would have anything to do with him getting time off.
andyjk83 25
Most HR departments in corporate America have a social media policy. Openly declaring support for violence is usually considered a violation. Saying he “supports the resistance” is a euphemism for “I support the murder, rape, kidnapping, and other forms of violence” committed by Hamas in their massacre.

If he posted his support of the “resistance” right after the September 11, 2001 attacks, would you feel comfortable with your loved ones stepping onboard a flight with this Islamic activist at the helm? United knows this terrorist sympathizer is a major liability.

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Nooge 2
Agree ...same for inmate number P01135809 out out on bail for the consequences of his Speech/Actions

He should be held accountable

Lock him up
avionik99 22
This is exactly the type of guy who would fly a jet loaded with passengers straight into the ground in support of Hamas! I would not ever want to have this guy to fly me around!
Kari Fietek -2
Ridiculous. His statement does not make him a terrorist.

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sparkie624 6
I admit... Not the best place to say something like that... I am sure there were other things that played a roll in the dismissal as well.
linbb 8
Wow guess people with that mindset are ok? Not so much as the topic was so far off center would not want him as a pilot. Free speach is one thing but with that political slant not a good thing that attitude has caused problems quite often. My way or the highway doesnt work flying an airliner full of pax.

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James Simms 4
One has Freedom of Speech, but no protection from the consequences of your Speech/Actions
Nooge 0
Agree ...The judges should lock up inmate number P01135809 for the consequences of his Speech/Actions

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Duane Mader 11
Your opinion supports an ideology that treats Muslim women like property and “infidel” women as fair game for rape. Please tell me how what hamas did could be MORE evil?
Leo Cotnoir -9
It is time to stop allowing the Israeli government from bullying Americans into silence. Freedom of speech is an honored American tradition that must be respected.
John Yarno 0
MH370 anyone?

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Michael Dealey -1
Agreed. It's become as overused and hyperbolic as "racist" and "Nazi". That's because they're losing the narrative and it's all they have left.

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linbb -4
Aw gee wow first I have seen this reported on here but better than most which had already been reported. Guess that you are not on here much there are several that do it all the time along with over reporting useless items.

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ewrcap 10
Of course Hamas animals who butchered 1,400 men women and children are your heroes. That attack was the equivalent of 20 Pearl Harbors and you saw how that ended for the Japanese. Frankly, I think the Israelis response is too cautious. If Mexico were lobbing a hundred missiles a day and murdered 10,000 Americans, we would rightfully wipe them off the face of the earth.

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Duane Mader 12
Never a Palestinian state. Britain offered Palestinians a land and they refused as they have 3 more times subsequently. Every other Arab state like Yemen, Egypt, and Jordan kicked them out for trying to overthrow their governments. Israel gave them autonomy in 2006- along with water electricity, an airport and harbor. They repaid that by constantly sending rockets and intifadas while building bunkers and weapons stockpiles.
Brent Lee 5
Correct. Unfortunately, the uneducated, low intellect will continue to proffer their antisemitic garbage to their ilk…

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k12480250 3
כדאי שתעשה שיעורי בית מי נהרג יותר פה ברצח....
כל יום ישנם מפגעים רוצחים נתעבים ללא קשר לארועי ה7 באוקטובר
אנחנו חיים עם חלק מהפלסטינים בשלום הם עובדים פה ולומדים ומתקדמים אבל שפלים כמוך גם את זה רוצים להרוס ולתת לרוע לנצח שלא בטוח שאתה שלא תיפגע מהאג'נדה שלך כולם נפגעים בסוף ם לא מפחינים אבל תדבר ערבית רהוטה ותידע את הקוראן בעל פה
k12480250 3
You should do your homework on who was killed more here in the murder....
Every day there are despicable killers regardless of the events of October 7th
We live with some of the Palestinians in peace, they work here and study and progress, but scoundrels like you want to destroy that too and let evil win forever. It is not certain that you will not be harmed by your agenda. Everyone will be harmed in the end. Don't give a damn. But speak fluent Arabic and know the Koran by heart.
Tim Dyck 1
If that was the translation thank you.
Tim Dyck 1
Can you please post an English translation. You might have something worth reading but if the vast majority of readers cannot read it the post is irrelevant.
C C 7
The real problem is… The Hamas Charter acknowledges the fact that they have acknowledged that they have been offered their own State but have refused all agreements (including many signed agreements) because it would also require them to acknowledge the State of Israel.

The inconvenient aspect of your “[murdered] thousands of Palestinians” is that it was because it was the Palestinians themselves that started every war for the past 3,100 yrs. 1) You can’t blame the defenders for being better fighters than the aggressors, and 2) Maybe training combatants to be martyrs rather than victors isn’t the best battle plan.
Seth Riklin 8
@Flightaware time to clean up your moderating of comments. This antisemite needs to be banned ASAP. I suggest you review the IHRA definition of antisemitism.
Michael Dealey 0
There's nothing Semitic about Zionism. Don't conflate it with Jews or Judaism.
As Joe Biden has said on more than one occasion: "You don't have to be Jewish to be a Zionist."
ko25701 -1
Which "antisemite" are you referring to?

Just because some people don't fully support either sides actions or reactions soesnt label them anti anything.
Tim Dyck 3
There are comments on here that are clearly antisemitic.

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captainfourbars 2
The tiny number of what APPEAR too be 'religious Jews' are sad cases of very dubious origins and motives. Zionism is nothing more than the thousands of years-old recognition that the Land of Zion is the Land of the Jews. Indeed the ONLY land of the Jews. Christians sing today of Royal David's City, a very long time before Mohammed was born. There never, ever was a 'Palestine' and these modern day Philistines are despised and rejected by every Arab/Muslim country in the whole Middle East. The ONLY people not to KILL them and drive them out is the Land of the Jews! Instead they have freedom, democracy, prosperity, equal rights, are in all the professions including the highest judges and MKs, and their gays are not thrown off any Israeli rooftops! Stop 'retweeting' the biggest lies in a lifetime. Stop defending people who laugh as they cook babies alive in ovens and other bestial depravities.
Michael Dealey -2
You've been fooled like many others into believing that Zionism has always been an integral part of Christianity. Nothing could be further from the truth. "Christian Zionism" (an oxymoron) has only been around for about 100 years and was subtly inserted into Christian doctrine by Cryus Scofield (as in: the Scofield study Bible), under the direction and employment of the Rothschild family. This ideology was a necessary first step that needed to be in place before the founding and acceptance of the artificial construct known as the "State of Israel" could take place.

This is well documented and agreed upon by Biblical scholars who aren't blinded by political ideology. It's easy to find papers and documentaries on the subject if you have the intellectual honesty to look at it.

Also, you might want to stop spreading your own lies. No babies were beheaded or cooked alive in ovens. You sound like Nayirah al-Sabah with her story of Iraqi soldiers throwing babies out of incubators; a completely made up pile of BS to garner American support for a war based on yet another pile of BS, WMDs.

Atrocities against children is a great tactic for swaying public opinion, and everyone just keeps falling for it. How many conflicts and wars does America have to be bullshitted into before people realize the media is lying to them? Wake up.
captainfourbars 3
You assert 'No babies were beheaded or cooked alive in ovens'. Listen to the testimony of eye witnesses to those and many other unimaginable horrors. You are perpetrating the lies and tropes of antisemites just like the holocaust-deniers. You do 21st Century Christanity a disservice.


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