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Europe will soon allow phone calls on flights. Will the U.S. be next?
You can soon say goodbye to airplane mode — at least in Europe. The European Commission ruled late last month to permit airlines to provide 5G connectivity to passengers on board, including for phone calls and high-speed data. E.U. member states have until the end of June 2023 to set aside 5G frequency bands for planes. ( More...Sort type: [Top] [Newest]
NO! I prefer the Japanese way - no phone calls even on the trains. Already bed enough people playing video games with the sound on.
Haha, bed... A bed would be not bad on some flights! Bad enough
Bad enough in a Doctor’s waiting room or in Wally World listening to people yapping in a loud voice w/their phone on speaker. I would dread being trapped in an aluminum tube several miles above the Earth for several hours (just a ‘brief’ conversation on Terra Firma is bad enough much less an Ultra Long Distance flight).
If one thinks the number of violent passengers & resulting diversions are bad now, just wait if the faa allows it here.
If one thinks the number of violent passengers & resulting diversions are bad now, just wait if the faa allows it here.
What could possibly go wrong...
Officially, the worst idea ever!
Just imagine,
200 or-so of your closest friends, all yapping on their phones simultaneously, during a 4-hour flight! And the natural tendency (when you can't hear your call well) is to speak louder... which means everyone will start speaking louder... until it's just out of control.
What could possibly go wrong?
How about allowing texting during the flight? That produces a lot less noise.
200 or-so of your closest friends, all yapping on their phones simultaneously, during a 4-hour flight! And the natural tendency (when you can't hear your call well) is to speak louder... which means everyone will start speaking louder... until it's just out of control.
What could possibly go wrong?
How about allowing texting during the flight? That produces a lot less noise.
This is what working in an open office environment is like. ;)
Texting is allowed already in my experience.