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Denver's airport held a job fair to plug its huge labor shortage. An exec said he'd hoped 5,000 people would come - but only 100 showed up.
Organizers had wanted to fill about 1,000 jobs at the airport, but only about 100 people came to the four-hour fair... ( More...Sort type: [Top] [Newest]
I’m looking at $2000 or $2200 for childcare in Denver. $1200 would be great!
Regarding childcare - not that long ago, that's actually how it used to be. On parent would stay home and raise kids - the other would go to work. It is actually how it should be, too.
It would have to be a well-paying job for the one person to support a family these days.
I tried that. It created unsurmountable financial problems and we ended up divorcing. "Not that long ago" it was financially feasible that "one parent would stay at home and raise kids". I learned the hard way that is no longer the case, except for a few privileged people.
True, but that would require a modicum of personal responsibility...
Childcare has also become a huge issue. When it's cheaper for one parent to stay at home than to pay $1,200 a month in child care, then we're going to see people increasingly stay at home in 2 parent house holds.
We can't just keep pretending this is all about lazy people. We must look at all the issues and address them as needed.