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Pilatus PC-24 Landing in Venice
For the first time, a business jet lands on the grass runway of the airport closest to the world-famous Italian city of Venice. ( More...Sort type: [Top] [Newest]
even the professionals do a bouncer now and then
Had to chuckle on that one. I reckon the pilot logged two landings at Lido!
Very nice!!! We used to land on 3 Grass/Dirt Runways in Texas, when I was flying the OZARK DC-94's.
Do they get the extra points for scoring the second touchdown?
Yea, but the next video shows them leaving on a barge...
I saw Pilatus in headline and recall West Berlin 1989 when my former husband was flying 1 of 2 Pilatus Porters in Army inventory. There was a restricted radius from the BASC or Berlin Air Safety Center manned by French, British, Soviet and US personnel. I believe the movie Air America shows a Pilatus landing uphill. The Swiss know their business.