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The 400 Seat Passenger Plane With No Customers: The Il-96-400M
Russian aircraft builder Ilyushin is readying a brand new plane for certification. The Il-96-400M is a widebody quadjet with space for up to 400 passengers onboard. Despite delays to the program, the jet is expected to take its first flight next year. The only problem is, nobody wants it. Two years ago, in early 2018, Russian planemaker Ilyushin revealed plans to build a new widebody aircraft based on the Il-96. It would be capable of accommodating some 400 passengers in a single-class… ( More...Needs or Wants~ Big Difference!
Very true.
rusha makes the best war fighting equipment on the marble.
commerical equipment, not so much.
how's that washing machine coming along?
commerical equipment, not so much.
how's that washing machine coming along?
Rusha and marble? They make the best SAM systems on the market hands down! Tanks are debatable. Airplanes it’s not even close as far as tech is concerned. Don’t get me wrong...they make good airplanes but the tech and definitely ergonomics aren’t even in the same ballpark. They are just now figuring out stealth a good 40 years after the US and that’s after stealing the plans to do it!
The Il-96 was a clear knock off of the 767 and originally was a joint venture with Pratt-Whitney to power the plane. But things didn't work out. The -400 is too many years in the past. It's a waste of resources to continue a plane like this with Airbus 340-600 now in the bone yard.