Consolidated B-24 Liberator —
Diamond Lil on fly-over at Martin State Airport.
That's a nice shot of "Diamond Lil," William! For a long time now I thought "Witchcraft" was the only airworthy B-24, but I guess not! There are two! (According to Wikipedia.) So, I poked around a little bit and got some more info on this bird. Apparently, it was the 25th B-24 built. According to Joe Baugher this was one of a group "Diverted to RAF as AM910/AM929. Prior to their construction, this serial batch [40-2349/2368] was allocated to B-24As. When it was decided to substitute 20 B-24As for 20 LB-30s on the British contract, the planes were given British serial numbers and the AAF serials were reallocated to B-24Ds." It was never delivered to the Army and so never had the serial number 40-2366. It was delivered to the British as an RLB-30 with a serial number of AM927. Its current FAA registration number is N24927. It has a pretty interesting history. The best one I found is at:
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